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Why Do We Fundraise?

Each November we celebrate Giving Tuesday, a global day of generosity focused on giving back to our communities in need. This year we will be celebrating Giving Tuesday on November 28, 2023. Throughout the month leading up to Giving Tuesday, we like to share how the generous support from our community helps us provide necessary… Continue reading Why Do We Fundraise?

Michael and Ketul

Thank you for considering us for such an honor. We know this is a big life decision, and we are deeply grateful that you would consider us when placing your child for adoption. You are such a strong person.

We are very excited about expanding our family through adoption and we take the responsibility of raising your child with the utmost respect. Your child would grow up with two devoted and involved parents and a curious and outgoing big sister. Your child would be embraced with love by a large extended family of cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents.

What is Relative Adoption?

Close Up Of Granddaughter Hugging Grandmother In Park

Relative adoption, also known as kinship adoption, is an option for family members to obtain legal custody and parental rights of a child in their extended family. This could be grandparents, aunts, uncles, other extended family members, or a fictive kin (someone who has a close relationship with the child, but is not biologically related).… Continue reading What is Relative Adoption?

Liz and Dan

We are Liz and Dan, a couple in our early thirties who are hoping to grow our family through adoption. A few things we love to do are cooking, listening to and playing music, and traveling. We look forward to sharing these moments with our child. We want to ensure that your child grows up always knowing that they are truly loved and supported through knowing their adoption story. We welcome an open adoption and building a relationship with you in whatever way is most comfortable for you. We are grateful for you taking the time to learn about us and look forward to connecting with you!

Unplanned Pregnancy and Considering Adoption? Here’s How to Choose the Right Adoption Agency

Disappointed hispanic girl getting unexpected result from pregnancy test kit. Sad young latina woman sitting alone on her bed.

Facing an unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming and scary. Maybe you feel that adoption is the best plan for you and your baby, but figuring out what the next steps are can be confusing. There is a lot of information online, but it may be hard to know where to begin. Here are some important… Continue reading Unplanned Pregnancy and Considering Adoption? Here’s How to Choose the Right Adoption Agency

John and Cody

Hi! We are John + Cody and we are so grateful to be able to share our story with you. We recognize that everyone’s story is unique and often unpredictable, and we hope that our stories, as different or similar as they may be, may become connected. We recognize the gravity of this decision, and we admire your bravery.

9 Questions to Ask Yourself When Considering Adopting Transracially

When parents decide to grow their family through adoption, they are asked about what characteristics they are open to. This often includes age, health, and race or ethnicity of the child among other categories. Some may initially say, “I would love any child, so I am open to everything.” While the intention behind that statement… Continue reading 9 Questions to Ask Yourself When Considering Adopting Transracially

Self-Marketing in Adoption

One of the most common questions we are asked by families waiting to adopt is “What can we do to increase our odds of matching?” The initial stages of the adoption process give prospective adoptive families a lot to keep busy with. Between selecting an agency, gathering documentation, completing the home study, and developing profile… Continue reading Self-Marketing in Adoption

What is Birth Mother’s Day?

Every year, the second Sunday of May is dedicated to mothers. At ACFB, we celebrate all mothers on this day, from birth mothers to adoptive mothers to mother-figures. For some birth parents, Mother’s Day can be very difficult. They may be reminded of the pain of having a child that they are not parenting. While… Continue reading What is Birth Mother’s Day?

Safe Haven Awareness Month

In Illinois, April has been declared Safe Haven Awareness Month with the goal of informing residents of the Safe Haven option for their newborn child. The Safe Haven law, also known as the Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act, enacted in 2001 in Illinois, is designed to provide struggling parents with a safe, legal alternative to… Continue reading Safe Haven Awareness Month

Unplanned Pregnancy?

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Text Jaime at: 872-216-6522