Useful Information
Client Reviews
ACFB was not our first adoptive agency we have explored, but it was the right place for us. They genuinely care about everyone involved in the adoption process, including the birth mothers. They were honest, helpful and supportive. We will forever be grateful, that thanks to ACFB our family is complete.

The Choice of Adoption
Adoption is a courageous, responsible and loving choice. Choosing adoption for your baby is probably one of the most difficut decisions you will ever make. It will impact you and your child’s lives forever. No matter what anyone tells you, adoption is a personal decision that only you can make. The opinion of family and friends is important, but in the end it is your life and your future. We understand that you are trying to make the best decisions for you and your unborn baby.
A woman may be considering adoption because she doesn’t feel that she is in a position to provide the best future for her child. Choosing adoption is a lifelong decision and you deserve the support of a caring adoption professional. We have been helping expectant mothers since 1996.
Our counselors are committed to guiding through the process and helping you every step of the way.
Your decision will depend on many factors including where you are in life, your goals and wishes, your financial situation or perhaps your relationship with the birth father.
As you think about adoption, it might be helpful to consider the following questions:
1. Can I provide for my child’s financial, emotional, and physical needs?
2. Will parenting this child deprive my other children of necessities?
3. Could I handle a child and job and/or school at the same time?
4. How does my family feel about this pregnancy and will they support my decision?
5. What are my hopes and dreams for the future?
It’s normal to experience a range of feelings before, during, and after your adoption – even if you know it’s the best decision. Placing your baby for adoption involves loss and a great deal of emotion. It is important that you have all the support you need without any pressure or sense of obligation. In the end — if you choose adoption — knowing that your child is part of a stable, secure and loving family will give you peace of mind. Choosing adoption does not have to mean saying goodbye forever. If you wan to have an open adoption, you may stay connected with this child and the adoptive parents for years to come.