Positive adoption language
Client Reviews
ACFB was not our first adoptive agency we have explored, but it was the right place for us. They genuinely care about everyone involved in the adoption process, including the birth mothers. They were honest, helpful and supportive. We will forever be grateful, that thanks to ACFB our family is complete.
My daughter was able to place her baby with a lovely couple this week. Thank you, Linda Fiore, for making this all so professional and comfortable as we made the decision that is right for everyone. Thank you to Mary for guiding my daughter so lovingly. God's blessings for the adoptive parents who opened their arms to our whole family. Thank you to all who made this happen! God Bless you!
The best part of working with ACFB is the education you receive before you make any decisions or invest in anything, they want to know your story - the trauma or sadness that you have been through before you start your adoption journey. ACFB creates a successful environment for adoptive parents to create successful families.

Positive adoption language
The words we use while talking about adoption can be harmful. By using positive adoption language, we educate others about adoption. When writing about or discussing adoption, please consider using language from the right-hand column.
- Negative Language
- Positive Language
- Giving up a child for adoption
- Placing a child for adoption
- Real parent; natural parent
- Birth parent, biological parent
- Adoptive parent
- Parent
- My adopted child
- My child
- Illegitimate
- Born to unmarried parents
- Adoptee
- Person who was adopted
- Handicapped/disabled child
- Child with special needs
- To keep the child
- To parent a child
- Relinquished a child
- Placed a child for adoption