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5 Essential Tips for Dealing with Adoption Wait Times

The tick of the clock can often feel louder as you find yourself in the waiting phase of the adoption process. Each passing day brings its own set of hopes, challenges, and questions. In this guide, we aim to provide adoptive families with essential tips for dealing with adoption wait times, ensuring a smoother and… Continue reading 5 Essential Tips for Dealing with Adoption Wait Times

Navigating Loved Ones’ Reactions to Your Adoption Decision

Deciding to adopt is a big step that brings a mix of emotions, from anticipation to apprehension. It’s a time full of love, some challenges, and great happiness as you choose to add a new member to your family. During this hopeful time, we also encounter a range of emotions and responses from those nearest… Continue reading Navigating Loved Ones’ Reactions to Your Adoption Decision

Why is Video Marketing So Powerful? Unveiling Its Impact

In today’s fast-paced world of digital marketing, businesses are always on the lookout for new ways to get the most out of their investments. Video marketing has emerged as a game-changer, transforming how brands connect with their online audiences. So, why is video marketing so powerful? Let’s explore what makes it effective and how it… Continue reading Why is Video Marketing So Powerful? Unveiling Its Impact

How Much Does It Cost to Adopt Internationally vs. Domestically?

What if every child had a loving, permanent home? Adoption bridges this gap. Many families dream of adopting to make this a reality, but quickly face a tricky question: “How much does it cost to adopt?” Knowing the financial details is key, regardless of whether the adoption is within your own country or from abroad.… Continue reading How Much Does It Cost to Adopt Internationally vs. Domestically?

Supporting Adopted Children – Tips for New Parents

Each year, the beautiful process of adoption brings together thousands of families, either forming new ones or expanding existing ones. This decision, though brimming with joy and love, is accompanied by its own unique challenges and opportunities for growth.  For new parents, the intricacies of adoption may seem overwhelming at first. However, equipped with the… Continue reading Supporting Adopted Children – Tips for New Parents

Glossary of Adoption Terms – Guide for New Parents

For parents thinking about adoption, the many terms used can seem unfamiliar and a bit confusing. This article is like a helpful guide to make sense of those words for you. It’s designed to clear up any confusion and make the adoption process easier to understand. Adoption Terms New Parents Should Know Considering adoption can… Continue reading Glossary of Adoption Terms – Guide for New Parents

The Adoptee Experience in Transracial Adoption

Over the last few decades, transracial adoption has become a larger focus of adoption education as our perception and understanding of race and ethnicity has changed. Much of this shift has been driven by adoptees speaking up about their experiences with transracial adoption. Their courage to share their personal stories and hardships has been influential… Continue reading The Adoptee Experience in Transracial Adoption

Considering Single Parent Adoption? 9 Things You Should Know

In recent years, there’s been a notable increase in single-parent adoption. In fact, more than a quarter of children adopted from foster care were welcomed into the homes of single adopters in the Federal fiscal year 2017, with almost 15,000 single women and nearly 2,000 single men making the life-changing decision to adopt. Societal perceptions… Continue reading Considering Single Parent Adoption? 9 Things You Should Know

Adoption Agency Vs Independent Adoption – What’s Best for You?

Deciding to adopt a child is a process filled with love, hope, and sometimes a bit of uncertainty. For many prospective parents, the first significant decision they face is choosing the path that will lead them to their future child. This choice often comes down to two main options: working with an adoption agency or… Continue reading Adoption Agency Vs Independent Adoption – What’s Best for You?

Why Do We Practice Open Adoption?

Although adoption has existed for centuries, practices have changed significantly overtime. Legislation has been introduced to regulate adoption, ensure the safety of children, and protect the rights of birth and adoptive parents. Adoption practices have also shifted as we continuously reevaluate what is ethical and supportive for all people involved. One of the biggest changes… Continue reading Why Do We Practice Open Adoption?

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