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Unplanned Pregnancy? Top 10 Questions Expectant Mothers Ask

Although every expectant mother has her own concerns and questions, this article addresses the most common issues that are raised with an adoption counselor.

Gina and Josh

Congratulations to Gina and Josh on the adoption of their twins, Eleanor Elaine and Oliver Paul. We also send our congratulations to the brave birth parents who brought this child into the world.

What is Adoption Counseling?

The purpose of this blog is to help expectant mothers and prospective adoptive parents as well as professional understand exactly what adoption counseling involves..

Hoping to Adopt an Infant? Five Easy Steps to Prepare:

Pursuing adoption is a major life altering decision. Most people who consider adoption have first tried other means of starting their family.

Jayette (Jay) and Matt

Congratulations to Jay and Matt on the adoption of their daughter, Zoey Jaynia. We also congratulate the brave birth mother who brought this child into the world.

Brenna and Justin plus four

Congratulations to Brenna and Justin on the adoption of their baby girl. We also congratulate the brave birth mother who brought this child into the world.

Considering Adoption? Find the Best Adoptive Parents

If you have decided to move forward with an adoption plan, you may have a good idea about the kind of family or lifestyle you

Cia and Robert

Congratulations to Cia and Robert on the adoption of their baby girl.

Leslie and Johnny

Congratulations to Leslie and Johnny on the adoption of their baby boy, Tyson.

Stephanie and Steve

Congratulations to Stephanie and Steve (and big brother Joshua) on the adoption of their son, Jacob. We also send our congratulations to the brave birth mother who brought this child into the world.

Unplanned Pregnancy?

We’re Here To Support You.

A Counselor can support you through this critical time with privacy.
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