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Nadine and Lori (plus Nick, Gabriel and Olivia)

Congratulations to Nadine and Lori on the adoption of their son, Noah Oliver. We also want to congratulate the brave birth parents who brought this child into the world.

Brandon and Corey

Congratulations to Corey and Brandon on the adoption of their daughter, Anna Renee. We also send our congratulations to the brave birth mother who brought this child into the world.

Signe and Jason

Congratulations to Signe and Jason on the adoption of their daughter, Isabella Grace! We also thank the brave birth parents who brought this child into the world.

Warren and Sunitha

Congratulations to Sunitha and Warren on the adoption of their baby boy, Victor Kenneth. We also congratulate the courageous birth mother who brought this child into the world.

Josh and Kourtni

Congratulations to Kourtni and Josh (and big sisters and brother) on the adoption of their daughter (sister) London Noelle. Also, congratulations to the courageous birth mother who brought this child into the world.

Laura and Ian

Congratulations to Laura and Ian on the adoption of their son, Nathan Calem. We also want to congratulate the brave birth mother who brought this child into the world.

Matt and Kevin ( and Cameron)

Congratulations to Matt and Kevin (and big brother Cameron) on the adoption of their son (and brother), Griffin Jacob. We also want to congratulate the brave birth parents who brought this child into the world.

Lindsay and Spencer (and Nellie and Josie)

Congratulations to Lindsay and Spencer and Nellie and Josie on the adoption of their baby girl, Meredith Adeline. We also send our congratulations to the courageous birth mother who brought this child into the world.

Tracy and Mike (and Leo)

Congratulations to Tracy and Mike and big brother Leo on the adoption of their baby boy. We also send our congratulations to the brave birth mother who brought this child into the world.

Becky and Chris

Congratulations to Becky and Chris on the adoption of their daughter, Amelia Grace. We also send our congratulations to the brave birth parents who brought this child into the world.

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