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Katie and Craig

Congratulations to Katie, Craig, and big sister Grace on the adoption of Elijah. We also congratulate and send thanks to the incredibly strong birth parents who brought him into this world.

Susan and Andy

We want to raise children that make this world a better place. We’ll teach our children to be compassionate, kind and empathetic. We also want to instill in our children respect for differences and diversity. Above all, we want our children to know that they are loved, every day and unconditionally. You will always have a place in our family and in your child’s heart.

Patrick and Mike

Congratulations to Patrick and Mike on the adoption of their daughter, Emily! We also congratulate and send thanks to the extremely brave birth mother who brought her into this world.

KC and Alex

Congratulations to KC and Alex on the adoption of their son, Isaac Grayson! We also send congratulations and thanks to the brave birth mother who brought this child into the world.

Sara and Ryan

Congratulations to Sara and Ryan on the adoption of their son, Colton! We also congratulate and send thanks to the incredibly strong birth mother who brought him into this world.

Cate and Ryan

Congratulations to Cate, Ryan and big brother Cash on the adoption of Virgil. We also congratulate and send thanks to the incredibly strong birth mother who brought him into this world.

Heather, Darrick and Nathaniel

Hello and Hola. We are excited that we may have the honor of sharing this journey with you. We thank you for viewing our profile and hope that you find a connection to the words and photos that we have shared. We have always imagined big holiday dinners with family and here we are, hoping to meet you.Please know that you have our respect and support.

Jason and Mike

Congratulations to Jason and Mike on the adoption of their son, Zach. We also congratulate and send thanks to the incredibly strong birth mother who brought him into this world.

Imelda and Jared

We are a biracial couple in our mid 30’s. Imelda is Mexican American and fluent in Spanish and English. She has a Masters degree in counseling and works with community college students. Jared has a Master’s degree in Business and works as a business analyst. With us, your child will grow up in a bi-cultural, bilingual home, but will always know where they came from. He or she will learn about the world as they travel with us.

Tommy and Brent

We are Tommy and Brent and we hope our profile gives you a sense of who we are and the love we have for one another. We both are from a small town in Illinois, and have been together since high school. We now enjoy the city life as we explore all that Chicago has to offer. We are passionate about our careers in Nursing, and love what we do! We look forward to becoming parents and providing a loving nurturing home. Thank you for reading our profile and hope we have a chance to learn more about one another.

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