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Things to prepare for when sharing your plans to adopt

Things to prepare for when sharing your plans to adopt When a woman is expecting a baby, she’ll inevitably have to tell the world that she’s pregnant — sooner or later. But when a couple chooses to adopt, the decision of when — and how — to break the news is more complicated, given that adoption can… Continue reading Things to prepare for when sharing your plans to adopt

Adopting after experiencing fertility issues

How to share your child’s adoption history with their teacher This was written by Linda Jones, a member of the Creating a Family Facebook Support Group. She so beautifully captures in her words what we frequently say — adoption is not a cure for infertility. With her permission, we share her words. ~~~~~~~ Infertility has left… Continue reading Adopting after experiencing fertility issues

Transracial adoption: Great for families who are just starting to think about if they are open to adopting transracially

Transracial Adoption: It Will Change Your Family Forever As a white person, my understanding of what it took to bring a black, Latino, or Asian child into my family was straightforward. You either adopted a black or biracial child domestically or you traveled to Guatemala, Columbia, Ethiopia or somewhere in Asia to bring a child of color home.… Continue reading Transracial adoption: Great for families who are just starting to think about if they are open to adopting transracially

TIME magazine article about transracial adoption. It has a lot of research as well as real-life stories.

TIME magazine article about transracial adoption. It has a lot of research as well as real-life stories. As transracial adoption becomes more common, here’s what every parent should know Karen Valby is a writer who lives in Austin, Texas. She and her husband, who are white, have two adopted daughters, one Ethiopian and one African-… Continue reading TIME magazine article about transracial adoption. It has a lot of research as well as real-life stories.

Emily and Justin

Congratulations to Emily and Justin on the adoption of their daughter, Lucia! We also send thanks to the birth mother and birth father who brought her into this world.

Kristen and Michael

We are Kristen and Michael. We understand that this experience might be overwhelming, but we are so grateful that the love for your unborn child has led you to consider adoption. We admire your courage and hope you feel supported as you decide on what the best option is for you and your baby. Thank you for taking the time to get to know us!

Mike and Scott

We are deeply honored that you are considering our family as a part of your adoption journey. We have been together for over seven years and married for over two. We both grew up in homes surrounded by love and filled with warmth. We believe that adoption is a very brave, loving and an absolutely selfless act. Please know that if you choose our family, your child will feel a lifetime of endless love, support, and encouragement.

Katie and Mitch

Congratulations to Katie, Mitch, and big brother Hudson on the adoption of Ezra. We also congratulate and send thanks to the incredibly strong birth mother who brought him into this world.

Kelli and Jeff

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us. We look forward to getting to know you, and hope you get a glimpse of our personalities, including our quirkiness and fun-loving nature! Kelli is a financial planner and Jeff is a software analyst. When not working, you can find us traveling to visit family, playing games, or debating what the best part of the Oreo cookie is! We admire your strength as you consider making an adoption plan for your child. We are praying for you at this time, and always.

Katie and Craig

Congratulations to Katie, Craig, and big sister Grace on the adoption of Elijah. We also congratulate and send thanks to the incredibly strong birth parents who brought him into this world.

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