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Birth Mother Series: Gina’s Story

Over the years, we have worked with hundreds of birth mothers. Each have their own story and experiences that led to them making an adoption plan. Many have felt isolated and alone not knowing anyone else who has placed a child for adoption. Unfortunately, many birth parents have felt pushed to keep their adoptions secret… Continue reading Birth Mother Series: Gina’s Story

Erin and Adam

We are Erin and Adam and we are so excited to build our family through adoption. Adam is a family doctor in a community healthy center and Erin is an editor at a publishing company. A child raised in our family will be brought up in an environment full of love, laughter, snuggles, creativity, encouragement, and lots of fun. We are committed to building a life and a family where a child feels loved, even through hard and challenging times. We promise to celebrate our child for who they are, and honor where they come from, while helping them grow into the strongest and happiest version of themselves. We appreciate you taking the time to read our profile, and hope that it has helped you learn more about who we are and what we value.

Preparing for the Birth as a Prospective Adoptive Parent

You’ve made it through the waiting period, matched with an expectant parent, and the moment you’ve been waiting for is now here. The baby is about to arrive! This can be both an exciting and scary time. We’re here to guide you through it with care. Here are some important things to keep in mind… Continue reading Preparing for the Birth as a Prospective Adoptive Parent

Birth Mother Series: Susie’s Story

Over the years, we have worked with hundreds of birth mothers. Each have their own story and experiences that led to them making an adoption plan. Many have felt isolated and alone not knowing anyone else who has placed a child for adoption. Unfortunately, many birth parents have felt pushed to keep their adoptions secret… Continue reading Birth Mother Series: Susie’s Story

Preparing for the Delivery as a Birth Parent

For someone considering placing their child for adoption, preparing for the birth can feel overwhelming. Not only are you physically going through so much, but you are also nearing the time when you will be officially placing you child. At ACFB, we are here to help you navigate this challenging time. Our expectant parent advocates… Continue reading Preparing for the Delivery as a Birth Parent

Birth Mother Series: Angel’s Story

Over the years, we have worked with hundreds of birth mothers. Each have their own story and experiences that led to them making an adoption plan. Many have felt isolated and alone not knowing anyone else who has placed a child for adoption. Unfortunately, many birth parents have felt pushed to keep their adoptions secret… Continue reading Birth Mother Series: Angel’s Story

What to Expect at a Match Meeting

Match meetings are very big step in the adoption process. For expectant parents, you’ve likely looked at many family profiles to find a family that you hope to place your child with, and now you get to meet them in person! For the prospective adoptive parents, you may have been waiting to match and now… Continue reading What to Expect at a Match Meeting

We Are Family – Maintaining Connections After Placement

In September, ACFB hosted our very first adoption celebration for families who have adopted through us in the last ten years. Our theme for the event – “We Are Family” –came from our mission to maintain connections with the families who adopt through us. Our staff was also able to visit with the families whose… Continue reading We Are Family – Maintaining Connections After Placement

Gretchen and Nestor

Hi, and a heartfelt welcome to our story. We are Gretchen and Nestor! We've always felt strongly about building our family through adoption. We are both very excited about adding a child to our family and providing a loving home. Choosing to place a child for adoption is an incredibly brave decision. We fully respect and honor your reasons, knowing they are uniquely your own. We are grateful for the immense love you're showing by considering this path, and we thank you.

Why Do We Fundraise?

Each November we celebrate Giving Tuesday, a global day of generosity focused on giving back to our communities in need. This year we will be celebrating Giving Tuesday on November 28, 2023. Throughout the month leading up to Giving Tuesday, we like to share how the generous support from our community helps us provide necessary… Continue reading Why Do We Fundraise?

Unplanned Pregnancy?

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A Counselor can support you through this critical time with privacy.
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