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Michael and Chris and Nate

Congratulations to Michael and Chris on the adoption of their son, Coleman Oliver. We also congratulate big brother, Nate on his new baby brother. Finally, we want to send our congratulations to the brave birth parents who brought this child into the world.

Unplanned Pregnancy? Considering Open Adoption?

If you are considering placing your baby for adoption, make sure that you know all of your options. You will also want to find

Matt and Sandy

Congratulations to Matt and Sandy on the adoption of their son, Michael.


Congratulations to Jen on the adoption of her son, Alexander Steven Lenard. We also congratulate the brave birth mother who brought this child into the world.

Lauren and Justin

Congratulations to Lauren and Justin on the adoption of their daughter, Lorelai Lee. We also send our congratulations to the brave birth mother who brought this child into the world.

Kate and Scott

Congratulations to Kate and Scott on the adoption of their son, Teddy. We also send our congratulations to the brave birth mother who brought this child into the world.

Tessie and Adam

Congratulations to Tessie and Adam on the adoption of their daughter, Zora An-Mei. We also want to congratulate the brave birth mother who brought this child into the world.

Amy and Dan

Congratulations to Amy and Dan on the adoption of their son, Archer. We also want to congratulate the brave birth parents who brought this child into the world.

Heidi and Casey

Congratulations to Casey and Heidi on the adoption of their son, Colton. We also send congratulations to the brave birth mother who brought this child into the world.

3 Things that Surprised Me about Open Adoption

By Maura Vivona, Mother through adoption I remember the first time my adoption counselor explained open adoption to me, I was skeptical at best.

Unplanned Pregnancy?

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