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Safe Haven Awareness Month

In Illinois, April has been declared Safe Haven Awareness Month with the goal of informing residents of the Safe Haven option for their newborn child. The Safe Haven law, also known as the Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act, enacted in 2001 in Illinois, is designed to provide struggling parents with a safe, legal alternative to… Continue reading Safe Haven Awareness Month

Mike and Nina

Thank you for taking the time to get to know us! We are Nina and Mike. We are in our mid-thirties and live in a suburb outside of Indianapolis. We met in high school at a choir competition in Michigan and have been friends ever since. We love music, reading, playing games and look forward to sharing all of this with a new member of our family. We are excited to grow our family through the adoption process and would be honored to walk this journey with you. Please know that you and your baby are already valued and loved by us!

Sarah and Brian

Thank you for taking the time to read our letter. We want to start by telling you we cannot imagine the thoughts and feelings that you are currently going through. We hope you are able to find the path that will be best for you and your child.

Jake and Chris

Thank you for taking the time to read our letter. We are Chris and Jake, and we are so glad you’ve landed on our page. We know the decision to make an adoption plan is not one you’re considering lightly. We know how brave you are, and we are eager to connect with you!

Amanda and Andrew

Hello! We are Amanda and Andrew. Thank you for reading our profile! We are excited to have a chance to possibly get to know you and have you become a very important part of how we become a family.

James and Marty

Congratulations to James and Marty as they welcome home their daughter, Lilian! Sending so much love to the amazing birth mother who brought her into this world!

Michelle and Eric

Congratulations to Michelle, Eric, and big sister Zuri as they welcome home baby Zane! Sending so much love to the incredible birth mother who brought him into this world!

Heather and Chris

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us. We hope this letter gives you a glimpse of who we are and a sense of what we’re all about. We can imagine the difficult decisions you face – know that we admire your strength as you consider making an adoption plan for your child. If there is one thing we hope to communicate, it’s that placing your child with us will mean a loving home, a supportive family, and a vibrant community.

Anna and Jason

We are Jason and Anna, and we appreciate this opportunity to tell you a little bit about ourselves. One thing that we have learned is that every adoption story is unique, but whatever circumstances have led you to read this letter, we hope that you find peace in whatever decision you make.

6 Questions to Ask Yourself When Considering Placing Your Child for Adoption

Adoption is a courageous and responsible choice. That said, it can be one of the most difficult decisions a parent ever makes. Expectant parents have so much love for their child, but often are struggling with an emotional or financial crisis that may impact their ability to provide for their child. Expectant parents understand their… Continue reading 6 Questions to Ask Yourself When Considering Placing Your Child for Adoption

Unplanned Pregnancy?

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