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National Adoption Month – An Adoptee’s Story of Searching for Family

As we have previously shared on the blog, November is National Adoption Month. A time to spread awareness about the impact of adoption and uplift the voices of those who have been touched by it. Today we share the story of ACFB board member Julie Ryan McGue. Julie is an adoptee and author of the… Continue reading National Adoption Month – An Adoptee’s Story of Searching for Family

National Adoption Month – A Birth Mother’s Story

For those who may not know, November is National Adoption Month. A month where we raise awareness about what adoption can truly look like. One of the best ways to learn about adoption is by hearing the stories of members of the adoption constellation – adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents, and all those who have been impacted by adoption.

Introducing the ACFB Board of Directors

Adoption is part of many people’s stories in different ways. From adoptees to birth families, to adoptive families and more, adoption touches the lives of many people. ACFB is grateful to have a board of directors that all have personal connections to adoption. Today, we’re introducing our board members and sharing a little about their… Continue reading Introducing the ACFB Board of Directors

Supporting Expectant Parent’s Choices

“If it is to be, it is up to me.” – William H. Johnsten Considering an adoption plan for your child is an incredibly difficult and personal experience. There are many factors that go into an expectant parent’s decision to place. They may not have the financial resources to give their child the life they… Continue reading Supporting Expectant Parent’s Choices

Raphael and Rick

Thank you for taking the time to read our profile. We can only imagine what you are experiencing has been difficult, and we are incredibly grateful for your consideration. Although our love is the driving force fueling our desire to grow our family, we would not be able to do this without you. Our love for each other, our family, and your baby is boundless. We know your decision is based in love, too. Whether or not you choose to move forward with us: Thank you for everything you are doing.

The Journey to Tucker

Waiting to adopt can be a long and emotional process. At times it may feel isolating for families who do not know anyone else who has been in their shoes before. Sometimes the best support can be hearing that another person has gone through something similar. ACFB recognizes the benefits of this type of support,… Continue reading The Journey to Tucker

Featuring This is the Quarry: Mining Hope in My Quest for Motherhood

The journey to build a family though adoption is filled with ups and downs. As families go through the home study process, their social workers do their best to prepare them for what they may face along the way. At that early stage in the adoption process, it can be difficult to fully grasp exactly… Continue reading Featuring This is the Quarry: Mining Hope in My Quest for Motherhood

Matt and Maurice

Hello! We are Matt and Maurice. We can’t describe how thankful we are that you are giving us this opportunity to introduce ourselves, our family, and a bit about our life. We admire your strength and courage as you make this difficult decision, and we hope only the best for you and your child.

Sibling Connections in Open Adoption

Over the last several decades, open adoption has become the norm in the United States. The benefits are clear for everyone involved – birth parents, adoptive parents, and the child. Through open adoption, children are able to have a better understanding of their story and a stronger sense of self. It allows adoptive families to… Continue reading Sibling Connections in Open Adoption

Holly and Dan

Hi! We are Holly and Dan! Thank you for taking the time to read our profile and learn more about us. We can only imagine the difficult feelings you are working through as you consider making an adoption plan. We are excited about the prospect of growing our family, and hope this profile gives you a glimpse of who we are and the life that we will provide for a child.

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