Suggested reading

Client Reviews

Adriana B.

ACFB was not our first adoptive agency we have explored, but it was the right place for us. They genuinely care about everyone involved in the adoption process, including the birth mothers. They were honest, helpful and supportive. We will forever be grateful, that thanks to ACFB our family is complete.

Amy W.

It was a pleasure to work with Maggie and the rest of the staff at Adoption Center for Family Building. They were great at answering our questions and providing guidance at each step. We were happy with the support we received and the kindness they showed us and the Birth Parents.

Ben V.

Barbara is a very pleasant person to work with, she made us feel comfortable every step of the way. At times during our process we faced difficulties but with her guidance we were able to stay focused and achieve our goal.

Robin R.

Everyone in this organization is amazing. They offer unending support and guidance through what may easily be the most difficult and rewarding journey in life.

B. M.

My daughter was able to place her baby with a lovely couple this week. Thank you, Linda Fiore, for making this all so professional and comfortable as we made the decision that is right for everyone. Thank you to Mary for guiding my daughter so lovingly. God's blessings for the adoptive parents who opened their arms to our whole family. Thank you to all who made this happen! God Bless you!

KC & Alex W.

The best part of working with ACFB is the education you receive before you make any decisions or invest in anything, they want to know your story - the trauma or sadness that you have been through before you start your adoption journey. ACFB creates a successful environment for adoptive parents to create successful families.

Suggested reading for adoptive families

Online publishers and sellers of adoption related materials listed below:

  • Parenting After Infertility by Pat Johnston,
    A compassionate guide through infertility to parenting.
  • The Long Awaited Stork: A Guide to Parenting After Infertility, Ellen Sarasohn Glazer gives attention to issues parents need to resolve,
  • Secret Thoughts of an Adoptive Mother, Jana Wolf
    Humorous recounting of the journey to adoption by sharing hidden emotions so many adoptive parents are afraid to reveal.

Birth mothers and open adoption

  • Dear Birthmother: Thank you for our baby, Kathleen Silber, Phyllis Speedlin, The book contains actual letters exchanged between birth parents and adoptive parents. It’s considered a classic, and has been updated to reflect current practice.
  • Adoption: A handful of Hope, Suzanne Arms
    Vignettes written by birthmothers
  • Life Givers, James Gritter
    The author provides insight into the birth parent’s emotional roller coaster as they struggle with grief.
  • The Open Adoption Experience, Lois Melina and Sharon Kaplan Roszia
    Two leading experts provide this guide to the issues and concerns of adoptive and birth parents though all stages of the open adoption relationship.
  • The Third Choice: A Woman’s Guide to Placing a Child for Adoption
    Leslie Foge and Gail Mosconi, A guidebook of support and guidance for woman considering adoption.

Stories of adoption and on being adopted

  • Sacred Connections: Stories of Adoption, Mary Ann Koeniz
    Clinical Psychologist recounts 25 real life stories of adoptees and their relationships with birth parents and adoptive parents.
  • Family Bonds:Adoption, Infertility and the New World of Child Production, Elizabeth Bartholet
    Personal narrative to make sense of the world of infertility and adoption by sharing her experiences in adopting two children from Peru.
  • Being Adopted: The Lifelong Search for Self, David Brodzinski
    Illustrates the experiences of adoptees, developmental perspectives, normality, search for self and sense of loss.
  • The Story of Adoption, Joyce Maguire Pavao
    This book is written by an adopted person and family therapist specializing in adoption issues. Dr. Pavao demonstrates that there are predictable, understandable and normal developmental stages and challenges for all adopted people.
Talking with your child about adoption
  • Talking with Young Children about Adoption, Mary Watkins and Susan Fisher
    It’s often hard to know what to say and when to say it. The authors offer wonderful insights.
  • Making Sense of Adoption, Lois Melina
    When to tell? What to tell? How to tell? This book aids parents in discussing adoption with their child.
  • Raising Adopted Children, Lois Melina
    Adoptive parent’s guide to raising child through adoption.
  • Talking with your Child about Adoption, Patricia Martinez Dorner
    Booklet explains how to talk with your child about adoption at different life stages.
  • Life-books-Creating a Treasure for the Adopted Child, Beth O’Malley
    The author was adopted and emphasizes the importance of saving every detail of your child’s history including their birth story.

Comprehensive guides

  • Real Parents, Real Children, Holly Van Gulden and Lisa M. Bartells-Rabb
    Comprehensive book discussing the entire adoption process. Filled with lots of good information.
  • Report on Intercountry Adoption, Penny L. Rearick, editor. Adoption Resource Center of Connecticut.
    This is an extensive compilation of information on international adoption agencies, as well as numerous articles regarding adoption related issues. This guide is updated annually and is extremely informative. Order from

Toddlers and older child Adoption

  • Weavers Craft, Mary Hopkins-Best
    Excellent book for parents who are considering adopting a child beyond infancy, which is common in international adoption.
  • Adopting the Older Child, Claudia Jewett
    Focuses on the feeling, concerns and problems of families who have adopted
    older children.
  • Helping Children Cope with Separation and Loss, Claudia Jewett Jarrati
    Specific techniques for helping children cope with loss.

Transracial Adoption

  • In Their Own Voices by Rita Simon and Rhonda Roorda
    The authors are researchers who present a powerful documentary written by trans-racial adoptees who share the many sides their experiences.
  • In Their Parents’ Voices: Reflections on Raising Trans-racial Adoptees, Rita J. Simonand Rhonda M. Roorda
    The authors explore the subject of adopting across racial lines.
  • “Transracial Parenting Project”
    Offers a comprehensive manual that includes articles on parenting, insights from children, medical and health care and racism.
  • An Insider’s Guide to Transracial Adoption, Gail Steinberg/Beth Hall
    The authors– adoptive parents of mixed race children– have two goals in writing this book: to help adoptive parents take a deeper look at the role of race in the lives of children being raised across racial lines; and to provide a source to find answers for the predictable challenges.
  • Raising a Child of Another Race, Jana Wolf
    An excellent article about the author’s personal experience. Can be viewed at>Trans-racial Adoption
  • Weaving a Family: Untangling Race and Adoption, Barbara Katz, Beacon Press 2006.
    Drawing on her own experience as the white mother of a black child, this noted sociologist offers an understanding of how race and family are shaped in America today.

Friends and Family

  • When Friends Ask About Adoption: Question and Answer Guide for Non-Adoptive Parents and Other Caring Adults”, Linda Bothun
    This book is a great gift for well-intended friends and family members who are afraid to ask questions.
  • Adoption is a Family Affair: What relatives and friends must know, Patricia Irwin Johnston
    The author tries to provide help to adoptive families whose loved ones just don’t understand adoption.
International Adoption
  • Risk and Promise: A Handbook for Parents Adopting a Child from Overseas,
    Based on the research and clinical experience of four doctors, Ira J. Chasnoff; MD; Linda D. Schwartz; PhD; Cheryl L. Pratt; PhD; Gwendolyn J. Neuberger; MD who have each worked with internationally adopted children. This book tries to help prospective adoptive parents make well-informed decisions with the little information they are given in adoption referrals.
Child Development
  • Becoming the Parent You Want to Be, Laura Davis and Janis Keyser
    A Sourcebook of Strategies for the First Five Years.
  • Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, Marc Weissbluth
    One of the country’s leading researchers updates his revolutionary approach to solving–and preventing–your children’s sleep problems.