Stephanie and Steve

Dear Birth Mother:
If we knew that you were reading our letter, we would hug, laugh, call all of our friends and family,
and lose sleep in anxious anticipation! Thank you so much for taking the time to learn about us. We have wanted to grow our family for some time and we are very excited and honored to share our story with you.

We realize that placing your baby for adoption is not an easy decision, but we are so thankful for special women like you who are able put their child’s best interests above all else. Of all decisions in life that require courage and strength, this is certainly one of the most difficult; we can’t imagine the mix of emotions you must be feeling right now.

Our Story:
Steve and I met in our junior year of college. We dated throughout college and enjoyed getting to know one another. We married shortly after college and began our life together in a suburb outside of Chicago.

Our twelve years of marriage have been filled with great memories and fun times. We have also been blessed with great careers. Steve worked for twelve years as an engineer in the chemical industry before recently switching to the healthcare field as a quality consultant. He has been with his new company now for just over five years and he absolutely loves the work; it is his job to make sure that everyone receives the best quality healthcare possible.

I worked for several years as a consultant ensuring the safety of children’s toys and products. In 2004, I left that position to pursue a master’s degree in teaching. I am currently happy staying home with our son Joshua, who joined our family through adoption in 2012.

Steve and I spent the early years of our marriage traveling. In 2002 we spent a week in Jamaica with our best friends. Later, in 2004, we made our first trip to Maui and experienced some amazing beach sunsets. In 2006, we ventured out to Arizona and made our first visit to scenic Sedona and a trip to the Grand Canyon. Most of our travels since then have been trips to see family and friends, either on long weekends, or holidays. Joshua has been such a blessing and a wonderful addition to our family. We love him so much that we wish to grow our family and adopt again. We fell in love with Joshua the moment we laid eyes on him. I stay home with Joshua and our days are spent playing, visiting parks and taking long walks together. I love being a mom! Steve and I have a loving relationship. We are best friends and have made a wonderful life together. We are excited to grow our family. We have always wanted to raise children and look forward to becoming a family of four!

Our Faith:
As we turned to God for guidance and support, we found Him leading us to adoption. Through our journey we have come to a place of peace. Our excitement about being parents has never been greater.

On Steve (written by Stephanie):
Steve is my best friend and has been the love of my life for almost 18 years. He is a very thoughtful husband and wonderful father to Joshua. I admire his loyalty and love for his family and friends. He is extremely patient and has a gentle soul. My favorite thing about Steve is his sense of humor. I also love that I can turn to him with anything I need and he’s always there to help. He truly has a servant’s heart. His passion is his faith and spending time at church. He enjoys helping others. Steve’s favorite hobby is running. He runs several times a week and has run several long distance races. He is very fast and in great health.

Steve loves spending time with Joshua. As soon as he comes home from work they set off to the basement where they play in Joshua’s playroom. They have great fun together.

On Stephanie (written by Steve):
Stephanie has a beautiful and sensitive spirit. She carries an inner strength and the combination of these two parts of her draws others to her. She is easy going and has a fun, playful personality. She adores family most and makes it a point to always stay connected with friends.

Stephanie’s passion is offering support to family members and being a devoted mom to Joshua. Stephanie also loves walking , and spends hours scrapbooking our adventures. Another hobby of Stephanie’s is fashion. She enjoys shopping with friends. My time with Stephanie is always fun. I love her warmth and spontaneity, and I can’t imagine my life without her.

Thank you:
In closing, we want to thank you for reading our letter. We understand that choosing adoption is not an easy decision. We wish you peace of mind and comfort as you consider your options. Please feel free to contact us anytime. We would be happy to answer your questions and get to know you.

Please email us at [email protected]. You may also contact our adoption counselor Tobi Ehrenpreis at 800.869.1005 or email her at [email protected]. Tobi’s cell for texting purposes is 847.366.6351. Tobi would be happy to answer your questions, too.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you,

Steve and Stephanie Dudek