Michael and Chris and Nate

“A child must know they are a miracle. That since the beginning of the world there has not been, and until the end of the world there will not be another child like them.” – Pablo Casals


We would like to introduce you to our family, Chris, Michael and Nate. While we are filled with excitement and anticipation of growing our family, we realize you have an enormous weight of making a life changing decision for you and your baby. There are many things we wish to share with you and so little time to do so. We want to share with you a snapshot of our lives together, our 12-year commitment to one another, and the loving environment we provide for Nate and the one we will provide for your child.

We will give your child two loving, involved and unconditionally accepting dads. We know it takes a special person to choose two dads for your baby and we respect your open mindedness. We hope you will want to get to know us better and share in an open adoption journey with us.
We will create for our children a secure foundation filled with love, sense of self, a solid education, respect for others and the importance of family. We want to expose our children to life and the adventure living it to the fullest. We will raise them to be confident, motivated, and educated, with a strong belief system to do what is right.

Chris on Michael…..

If you know anything about Michael, you know that he is one of 8 children and works with his brothers running a successful construction company. One of his greatest qualities is his dedication and commitment to his family. Michael currently has 17 nieces and nephews and 6 great nieces and nephews. His family is large and extremely supportive of our adoption. Michael was born and raised in Chicagoland and looks forward to sharing his loyalty to all of the Chicago sports teams!

Michael is an awesome “daddy” and a true “kid at heart”. He feels the most comfortable with a baby on his knee, playing in the dirt, building a fort, or just spending time reading and teaching the ABCs. He is so generous and kind. He has such an impact on Nate and all of his family; it is truly inspiring and fun to watch. His ability to connect with children is why he makes such a wonderful father. He will be an incredible father to our second child.

Michael on Chris…..

Chris is an amazing person. I am a truly blessed to have him in my life. For 12 years he has walked with me through this adventure of life. Chris is an only child and has taken to being part of a large family as if we were always part of it. My family has completely embraced Chris, and he is respected and loved by my siblings and adored by our nephews and nieces.

Chris is a fun-loving individual, who enjoys quiet afternoons at home, working on quilts or sewing projects, experimenting while baking, attending a variety of family functions and doing all kinds of fun activities with Nate and our friends.

Chris is a wonderful dad. He has provided great balance and structure to our family life and is always focused on ensuring Nate is a well-rounded, adventurous young man. Chris has taught Nate the importance of manners and respect to oneself and others, as such Nate is often complimented on his manners and his cute way of interacting with others. Variety and trying new things is his specialty, and Nate loves trying all kinds of new foods and really enjoys them all. Chris is eager to include another child in our lives.

Introducing Nate…

Nate is a very talented, charming, and cute four year-old boy. We will always be grateful for the day in July 2010 when his courageous birth mother placed him in our arms. She trusted us to love Nate unconditionally and provide him a lifetime of opportunities. We have had the four most amazing years with him. We were blessed when he entered our lives and are amazed by all we have learned and experienced as he has grown from a little baby to an active toddler to a curious preschooler.

Nate is active with sports including soccer, baseball, bowling and roller skating. He attends a Montessori school and enjoys school a great deal and excels at ABC’s, numbers, puzzles, and songs. He takes both Spanish and piano lessons at school and does well at both. He loves playing with his many cousins and will be a terrific big brother.

Home and Community…

We live in a beautiful four-bedroom home in the south suburbs of Chicago with plenty of room to expand our family. We have two dogs, Ian and Molly; both are very active, playful and wonderful with children. They are very well behaved and they love playing with Nate. Our neighborhood is filled with children and has a park nearby. The park has a swing set, volleyball net and is home to many community activities, including an Easter Egg Hunt, trick or treat, and a block party. We are very fortunate to live in a diverse neighborhood with a great school district.We are lucky to have jobs which provide us easy child care. Chris works for a company where he is based out of our home. Michael works for a family run business out of his brother’s house. Nate currently attends school and then spends the afternoon “working” with Michael. We are also very blessed to have Nate’s grandma (Chris’ mom) living close, willing and able to assist with child care when needed.

We have been fortunate as a family to be able to travel. We want to travel to all 50 states in the USA before our children our grown. As of winter 2013 we have managed to visit 17 states. We enjoy the adventure and look forward to visiting the rest of them

In Closing…
We are very excited about welcoming another child to our family. Our families are looking forward to the joy another child will bring. We hope you will feel that our family is the right fit for you and your child.

Please contact our adoption counselor, Maggie Benz, at: [email protected], 800-869-1005 (toll-free) 847-366-6343 (text)

You can also reach us directly at [email protected].

Our wish is for you to have joy, happiness, and the very best life can offer.

Chris, Michael and Nate