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Lindsay and Shawn

Dear Expectant Mother:


We are Lindsay and Shawn,  a young, happily married couple of over nine years who cannot wait to complete our family with a child. After trying to conceive ourselves and with fertility treatments for four years, we realized adoption was our destiny. Our experience with infertility not only opened our eyes to the beauty of adoption, but also strengthened our marriage and better prepared us to be parents. 

We cannot begin to understand how difficult your decision is, but hopefully we can help by providing enough information about our family that you can feel comfortable knowing that we will love, cherish, protect, & guide your child in the way that you hope and that he/she deserves. 

About Us:

We met while in college and were in the same statistics class. We sat on opposite sides of the room and would have never talked if we didn’t get paired up to do a project together. A few days later we went on our first date and instantly clicked.

Two years later Shawn took Lindsay horseback riding at Illinois State Park. About 50 feet into the ride the guide’s horse got spooked and all the horses took off running back to the stables. Shawn’s saddle wasn’t secured and he fell off, luckily not majorly hurt, just cut and bruised. Even though he was now injured he was still determined and proposed to Lindsay on the spot! In September 2008, we were married and had a wonderful wedding with our family and friends.

About Lindsay by Shawn:

I feel that Lindsay was born to be a mother. Her friends and family always look to her for advice. Lindsay is always prepared and organized and is the first person you ask if you need a Band-Aid. Lindsay is very crafty, whenever a friend or family member is having a baby she enjoys crocheting or quilting a baby blanket for them. Lindsay is an excellent cook and enjoys trying new recipes for parties or family gatherings. 

Lindsay has a college degree in interior design and currently has a career as store planner for a hardware company. She is a hard worker who is willing to go the extra mile to get the job done, whether at work or at home. 

She has a deep love for animals and will do anything for them whether it’s trying to catch a lost dog or save a chipmunk. I love her deeply and know she’ll be an incredible mother to our children.

Lindsay’s favorite things:

  • Sports Team- Da Bears
  • Animal- dogs and horses
  • Movie- Sleepless in Seattle and Hope Floats
  • Music- Country
  • Holiday- Thanksgiving
  • TV Show- Friends Big Bang Theory

About Shawn by Lindsay:

I know that Shawn will be a great father because he is a very calm and patient person. He loves going to flea markets and estate sales and enjoys buying old and new toys which he resells online or at a toy show twice a year. Shawn was a great athlete growing up playing basketball and even holds a high school track record. I cannot wait to look out the window and watch him teach our child how to play basketball in our driveway. 

Shawn graduated from college with a degree in video game design and currently works for a small IT company servicing local businesses.  His boss and co-workers always tell me how much they love having Shawn as part of the team. 

Shawn’s favorite things:

  • Sports Team- Mizzou
  • Animal- dogs
  • Movie- Star Wars
  • Music- Rock
  • Holiday- Christmas
  • TV Show- Big Bang Theory

About our family:

We both come from loving, supportive families  – grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins – who cannot wait to welcome our child into their lives. Adoption is a natural part of Lindsay’s family having a total of seven adopted family members, which include her mother and her aunt. They know first hand that family bonds are created out of love, not just biology.

Your child will be completely loved as the first grandchild in her family. Lindsay has one sister, a half-brother and has a close relationship with her cousins.

Shawn and his family come from a small, close-knit community in Missouri. Shawn has one sister who is married and is the wonderful mom to our niece. Our cousins and siblings have children ranging from one to 10 years of age with whom we love spending time. They cannot wait to have another cousin to play with at family gatherings.

We have a 10-year-old rescue dog named Lucy. She currently is our only “child” whom we love snuggling with on the sofa watching T.V. after a long day. She wants nothing more than love and affection by anyone and everyone she meets, except the mailman. 

About our community:

We live in a diverse community in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago, where Lindsay also happened to grow up. Our house is a cozy three-bedroom home with a large fenced backyard. We have great neighbors who have lived in the community for over 30 years and are always watching out for each other. 

The park district has a water park and offers tons of activities for families. They put on a great 4th of July firework show and festival, as well as a holiday lighting ceremony with Santa in the downtown area. The elementary school is in our neighborhood along with a fun park. We are very eager to share what this diverse community has to offer with our child. 

Our promise:

We are thrilled and thankful that you are considering us as adoptive parents for your precious baby.  We are hoping to share our home and our love with a child. We promise to encourage higher education and support your child’s interests. We will do our best to create a family environment full of love and fun times. Our families and friends cannot wait for us to adopt and will be wonderful role models for your child. We look forward to telling your child about his/her adoption story. We hope we can create this story together.

Please email us directly at [email protected] or reach out to our adoption counselor, Maggie Benz, at (800) 869-1005 or [email protected] or 847-366-6343 (text).

Best wishes,
Lindsay and Shawn

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