Libby and Angie

We are Libby, Angie and Jacob. Thank you for considering us as you explore adoption.

We hope this letter will give you a glimpse into who we are and how much love we have to share with another child. Our family began twenty years ago when we met in college, and we have been in a committed relationship ever since. In 2006, we adopted our son Jacob who has filled our lives with joy!

[email protected]


We come from different cultures and places, which has made for a lot of fun discovery. Libby grew up on the south side of Chicago, and Angie is from a small country town in Illinois. Even with different backgrounds, we share the same values. These values have kept our family strong in good and challenging times. We value family, friendship, faith and diversity. We believe in love, kindness and respect. We admire intelligence, compassion and humor. We hope to make the world a better a place.

placementdayLibby is a musician, performs music for all types of events and teaches people how to sing. Yet, her first priority is being a full-time stay-at-home mom for Jacob and she plans to stay home with our second child, too. She loves being around others and having a house full of friends. She organizes the best parties and play dates.

Angie works as a healthcare marketing researcher and designs studies to find out what medicines patients and doctors need. As a part of her job, she has traveled to Europe, China, Japan, Brazil and all over the United States. She loves to travel, learn about other cultures and takes Libby and Jacob on many great adventures. She loves playing sports with Jacob and reading him books.

Jacob is 6. He likes school, playing in the park, and riding bikes with friends. He is always organizing a running race and loves things that go fast. He enjoys his gymnastics class, swimming, playing on the beach, dancing, making new friends and cooking with grandma. Every night, Jacob looks forward to cuddling and reading books before bed.

Jacob is adopted and it was such a thrill to bring him home to a house full of excited family and friends. We will never forget seeing him being held for the first time by the people we love and who instantly loved him. We can’t wait to share this love with another child.


graduationFamily has always been important to us. We have a large, fun, diverse family including grandparents, brothers and sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles and so many wonderful friends. We have so much fun together – traveling on vacations, celebrating holidays (Thanksgiving is our favorite!), playing on the weekends and hosting BBQs.

We love to make each other laugh. We are surrounded by a circle of love and support and we feel very lucky to have each other. If you choose us as adoptive parents, your child will know that he or she is loved every single day and will be surrounded by the love and happiness of our larger family, too.


We have a home with a fun yard and a park a block away with many trees for climbing, a jungle gym, a soccer field and tennis courts.

There are many kids on the street and friends nearby to celebrate birthdays, enjoy block parties, and just hang out. Jacob’s school, our favorite ice cream shop and the beach are a short walk away.

Our goal is to provide a nurturing, loving and fun environment for our children. We hope our children will grow up with birthdays and holidays filled with family, friends and special memories. We dream of giving our children a good education, a strong sense of self-worth, an appreciation for diversity, a strong faith and an enthusiasm for life.


Fun facts:

Loves playing with his friends
Likes spinach and mangos
Excited to be a big brother

Words to describe him: fun, high energy, caring


Activity – riding his bike, running, swimming and gymnastics
Place – a park, the beach, grandma’s house
Food – cheese pizza, salad, mushrooms
Treat – popsicles
Team – Chicago Bears and his Cubs T-ball team
Theme Song – “I like to move it, move it!” from Madagascar
Color – blue


Fun facts:

Trained opera singer
Plays the piano
Has tried to beat Angie at basketball for 20 years

Words to describe her: loving, creative, outgoing


Activity – spending time with friends, watching movies and swimming
Place – at home with friends and family, the beach
Food – Harold’s fried chicken
Treat – Grandma’s chocolate chip cookies (a secret recipe)
Team – Chicago Bears
Theme Song – Indie Arie “Video”
Color – purple


Fun facts:

Has traveled to 19 countries
Loves golf, football and gardening
Writes poetry

Words to describe her: caring, genuine, athletic


Activity – traveling, sports, photography
Place – Los Cabos Mexico, San Francisco, any warm beach
Food – Mexican food (Yummy!!)
Treat – ice cream and lots of it!
Team – Chicago Bears and Cubs
Theme Song – Louis Armstrong “What a Wonderful World”
Color – blue


Thank you so much for taking the time to read our letter. We believe it must take a lot of courage and love for you to consider adoption for your child. If you choose us as adoptive parents, your child will always know that he or she is loved by you and by us. We are very excited to share our love and our family with another child.

We are so grateful for your consideration and welcome a chance to tell you more about us. Please email us at [email protected] or contact our adoption counselor, Maggie. You can call Maggie at 800-869-1005 or text her at 847-366-6343.

Many thanks,
Angie and Libby