KC and Alex

Dear Expectant Mother,
We are KC (Katherine) and Alex and we know that you are facing difficult choices. It takes a strong, unbelievably loving and selfless person to decide to place a child for adoption. Know that we deeply admire you. Your beautiful decision will provide a family with a gift that is indescribable. We hope this letter will help you to learn about us and our desire to adopt a baby.

We are a young couple (30 and 31) and have been married since 2013. The two of us have been through a pregnancy loss, miscarriages, and several rounds of infertility treatments. We feel that God has strengthened us through these times and led our hearts to adoption.

Through preparing and researching adoption, we have become excited for this beautiful blessing. We can’t wait to create wonderful family memories and support a child’s passions and dreams.

We are excited to embark on this adoption journey with you. Please know that if you choose to place your baby with us, your child will know of the brave and loving choice that you made. We will make sure that your son or daughter knows of your courage and incredible strength. Thank you for considering us in your search for the best adoptive family for your child. We would welcome an open adoption and will honor whatever type of contact you are comfortable with. Our prayers are with you.

Our story:
We met 10 years ago while attending Purdue University. We quickly realized that we enjoyed each other’s humor and became fast friends. We got married in 2013 — in a beautiful garden — surrounded by all of our friends and family. It was tough living in North Carolina without family nearby, so we moved to Northwest Indiana to be closer to our relatives.

Our neighborhood is a quiet suburb full of young families and a beautiful park. Every evening after dinner, we walk our dogs around the neighborhood and share stories about our day. We love spending time with our family and making new memories. Alex’s grandma always told us, “be sure to make memories that you can talk about for the rest of your lives.” She was a true inspiration to us. We are busy making memories together, and are passionate about supporting each other and all our dreams.

About KC (by Alex):
KC is selfless, caring, funny, and loving. For as long as I’ve known her, she has put others before herself. She goes out of her way to make sure everyone around her is happy, including our families, our dogs, her students and especially me. She supports everything I do and encourages me to be my best self.

KC pours her heart into each and every one of her students to ensure they’re getting the attention and care they need. Our nephew, Ethan, is in kindergarten and KC loves to help him with his school work, sing, dance and play games with him. I know she’ll be a caring, nurturing mother to our children. I am so lucky to have KC as my wife and best friend.

About Alex (by KC):
Alex is the most calm, kind, and supportive person I know. He has a beautiful heart and tremendous love for his family. Alex enjoys visiting family more than anything else. He is the go-to person when tech questions come up. Alex loves helping his papa and my grandparents with iPad, printer, and email questions. My husband is selfless and places the needs and goals of others before himself. He has come with me to work and taught tech lessons to the students in my class. The kids love learning about coding from him, and continually ask when he is coming next.

Alex is passionate about education and sacrifices his weekends helping me prep for lessons or volunteering at school events. I love watching Alex play with our nephew, Ethan. He adores him and acts super silly around him. There is nothing better in the world than watching them play together and hear them laughing so hard they begin to cry. I am so incredibly blessed to call Alex my best buddy for life.

Our Families:
We have two incredibly supportive families. KC’s parents and grandparents live in South Carolina near the beach. We love visiting them every moment that we can. We are extremely close and call or Facetime every week. Her brother, Kohl, lives in Indy. He and Alex are very close and enjoy gaming together. Kohl visits often and brings his sweet lab, Meri.

Mom and dad just recently added their sweet little dog Annabelle to their household. Alex’s family also loves dogs. His brother and sister in-law live in Illinois with their son Ethan, and their dog Molly. We love visiting with them and spending lots of time together. Alex’s parents live 25 minutes from us with their new little dachshund puppies, Lily and Rosie. We enjoy seeing each other weekly and hanging out together with Alex’s papa.

Our Pets:
We’re obviously a family of dog lovers. We have a 9 year old dachshund named Oscar and a 4 year old rescued mutt named LuLu. The two are goofballs and full of love and energy. They love to snuggle and play. We enjoy taking them on hikes and walks around the neighborhood. They love visiting our parents and Papa. Papa enjoys spoiling them with many treats. Lulu loves rolling around with Meri when KC’s brother visits. The dogs in our family bring us such joy.

Our Promise:
Thank you for taking the time to read our profile. We are excited for this new journey. We promise to provide a home and family full of kindness, understanding, support, love and encouragement.

We can’t begin to understand every emotion you must be feeling as you consider placing your baby for adoption. The two of us would be honored to love and support you every step of the way. If you place your baby with us, your child will grow up knowing the beautiful, courageous, and loving

We’d love to get to know you.  You can reach us by email at:[email protected] or feel free to contact our adoption counselor, Linda Fiore.  Linda can be reached on her cell phone at 773-919-5702 or by email at [email protected].  

With Gratitude,
KC and Alex