KC, Alex & Isaac
Dear Expectant Mother,
We are KC, Alex, and Isaac. We can only imagine how many feelings you are facing as you consider making an adoption plan. We honor and admire your process, and believe it takes great strength and love to consider placing your child. It is our hope that this letter helps you learn a little about who we are, our love for adoption, and our desire to complete our family.

Our Story:
We met at Purdue University in 2010. We were introduced by a mutual friend and one day Alex came over to fix KC’s computer. We quickly realized that we enjoyed each other’s humor and became fast friends. We have been inseparable ever since!
We were married in 2013 in a beautiful garden near KC’s hometown. We were surrounded by friends and family and were excited to start the next chapter of our lives. We traveled and lived in North Carolina, Chicago, and now Northwest Indiana. We came back to Indiana to be closer to our relatives, which was important to us as we decided to plan for a family.
Our family grew greatly when we adopted our son, Isaac in 2020. Isaac has changed our family in ways that we never knew could happen. Our little fur friends, Oscar and LuLu, are in love with him too. We now have started our journey towards a sibling and best friend for Isaac as well as the little one we have been waiting for. We can’t wait to help foster this incredible connection that Isaac and his future sibling can share with adoption as part of their journey.

Alex (as told by KC)
Alex is a fun loving and kind soul. He enjoys playing games with his friends, going on bike rides with his parents, spending time cooking out with his friends, and being the best dad ever. He encourages and uplifts his family and friends through all their endeavors. I never thought that my love for Alex could get stronger than it was, but watching him dance, play basketball, and teach Isaac to ride his bike has truly increased it. He has become such a devoted father, and his patience is admirable. I love seeing the pure joy that he has when he is with Isaac whether it is at swim lessons, walking around Target hand in hand, or simply sitting together playing with playdough. His heart for his family is remarkable and incredibly beautiful.
KC (as told by Alex)
KC is a wonderful and caring person. She loves her family, friends, and students, and she does everything to make everyone happy and comfortable. She’s an awesome teacher and supports her students so much. She enjoys walking on the beach with her family, traveling, making holiday memories, and teaching kids how to read. Watching her become a mother has been such an amazing experience. She adores Isaac and supports him in every way. Whether it’s teaching him new words, having him try new foods, setting up playdates, or dancing and singing with him. I love seeing the way they both light up when they see each other after school. Isaac and I are so grateful and lucky to have KC in our lives. I can’t wait to see her show the same love and support to the next member of our family.

About Isaac
We are very excited to have the opportunity to have a sibling for our sweet Isaac. He loves his little friends. He loves riding his balance bike, going to swim lessons, and spending as much time as he can with his family. Isaac loves to sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, and will love singing to his new baby brother or sister. He enjoys his friends at daycare and his sweet teacher. Isaac likes to dance and eat lots of chicken wings and spaghetti. He enjoys giving kisses to his family and saying hi to any person who will wave back. His heart is beautiful and full of such joy. He has the ability to light up a room when he runs in with a full blast giggle. We love him more than words can describe.
Our family
Our family is head over heels with Isaac. They love and support our journey through adoption. The grandparents are enthusiastic and eager for their next little blessing to join our family. We love taking vacations and having life experiences together as often as possible. Isaac enjoys sleepovers at his grandparents’ houses. We are enjoying the young family season of life that we are in and can’t wait for a little peanut to join in on these adventures with us. In our families, we treasure our close bonds.

We hope that one day he can share his beautiful adoption journey with a sibling who can connect to him on a level that is special to them. Our relationship with Isaac’s birth mother has created a beautiful love within our families in our adoption relationships. We love that he has the opportunity to know her. We want to support you and the relationship that you desire with your child if you choose to place with us.
Our Promise
We are excited to embark on this adoption journey with you. Please know that if you choose to place your baby with us, your child will know of the brave and loving choice that you made. We will make sure that your son or daughter knows of your courage and incredible strength. Thank you for considering us in your search for the best adoptive family for your child. We would welcome an open adoption and will honor whatever type of contact you are comfortable with. Our prayers are with you. I
If you would like to connect with us, you can email us at [email protected]. You can also reach out to our adoption counselor Linda by texting or calling her at (773)919-5702 or by email at [email protected].
Alex, KC, and Isaac