Jami and Mike


We are Mike & Jami and are very excited for you to read about us. We have a deep respect for the journey you are on, we admire your bravery and hope get to know you better.

About us

Our journey together is an adventure, and we’ve built memories and experiences to last a lifetime. We hope to offer a child that same feeling, together as one family. We were introduced at the wedding of mutual friends in Connecticut. Our relationship began long-distance but after a couple moves, permanently settled in Illinois close to Jami’s family. Soon after our wedding, we purchased our first home and have been there since.

We’re in our mid-30’s and our relationship is built on lots of common interests. Ever since we’ve been together, we’ve been going to concerts and movies. Our most recent concert was Pearl Jam at Wrigley Field. We really enjoy Star Wars and Marvel movies and can always find a good Netflix show to watch together. When it comes to sports, football and hockey are the go-to’s. While there is a football rivalry in the house (Bears vs. Giants) we both enjoy the Blackhawks. We also support each other in our sports of choice. Jami runs and does performance training, while Mike is a competitive tennis player.

Our Dogs

We have two dogs, Baxter (Saint Bernard/Lab mix) & Milo (Hound/Lab mix). Both are shelter rescues. They are very sweet and well-trained boys who are looking forward to a human brother or sister. Both are awesome around our two small nieces and our friend’s children. We love taking them for hikes and look forward to adding another hiker to the mix!

Our Home

Our two-story home is in a family-friendly neighborhood. We have a fenced-in yard, garden and plenty of space for play. Family, friends and our jobs are all close by. The neighborhood we live in is a diverse community with lots of young families. We are in a top-rated school district and are close to the library, pools and several great parks.

About Jami

I was born & raised in Lake County IL. I have a bachelor’s degree in biology and a master’s degree in dairy science. I work in the dairy industry on the farming side as a solution marketing manager. I get to use my technical knowledge and help bring new products to market. I love traveling, trying new foods, exploring historical sites and learning about new cultures. I have a nutcracker collection that started when I was in college between me and my mom. We now exchange nutcrackers every year. I love to bake, one of Mike’s favorites is my chocolate chip walnut banana bread. I also enjoy reading often getting lost in fantasy books,s some of my favorites are Harry Potter & Lord of the Rings. Some of the things I am looking forward to as a parent are sharing in my love for animals & science. I want to be there for all the milestones; first steps, first day of school, first job and everything in between.

About Mike

An east-coaster by trade, I have a bachelor’s degree in Sport Management and a master’s in Business. I work in the Athletic Department at a college and my job is lots of fun because I’m around sports every day. My family is small but I have a cousin who is like a sister and a couple friends who I’ve been close with since grade school. I played tennis on my college team and still compete today. I enjoy sampling craft beers, watching the newest Marvel superhero movie and cheering on my Connecticut Huskies basketball team. I’m so excited to become a parent so I can see what our son/daughter discovers while moving through life. How will they do it differently than I did and what path will they follow? I can’t wait to find out.

Our Family

We have an amazing family near and far. Parents, siblings, nieces, cousins, grandparents, aunts & uncles. Family is the greatest support network and we are lucky to have such a close relationship with ours.

Jami’s Parents, Sisters & Brother in Laws. My sisters, my mom and I share a special bond. We are there for each other for every life event – good or bad. My dad and I were born on the same day and share a lot of the same personality traits. My sisters are both married to great guys so it’s nice to have some men in the family. They are so excited for our adoption journey and can’t wait to be aunts and grandparents again.

Mike’s Family

My parents have been by my side through every step of life’s journey. I have a good combination of both when it comes to personality. Since our family is so small, they are incredibly excited for this new addition and to be grandparents for the first time.

Our Adoption Journey

Sometimes things happen that change your life, and the best you can hope for is that something good comes out of it. For us that is where our adoption journey began. We are thrilled to say that Jami is in full remission and great health after being treated for cancer. However, the treatments also left us infertile. We believe that our adoption journey will be the best possible way to end our story of beating cancer. When we shared with our family and friends our decision to adopt they could not have been happier for us.


We promise to provide a home filled with love, laughter and creativity. We are looking forward to family experiences; going to a zoo, seeing the ocean, going to a hockey game and so much more.

Open Adoption

We are hopeful for a newborn adoption but are open to other possibilities. We value ethnic diversity and want to hear your feelings on developing a relationship. Family traditions matter and we look forward to learning about yours.

We thank you for considering us to be adoptive parents. We know that this is likely the greatest challenge you will face in your life. We want you to know that we will love and cherish this baby and that they will grow up always knowing who there birth parents are. This child has a family already excited and eager to be a part of its life.

You may email us directly at [email protected] or contact our adoption counselor or call her at (800)869-1005. Linda can also be reached by email at [email protected]
Our Warmest Wishes,
Jami and Mike