Ellen and Travis

We are happy and we are funny—and we are really looking forward to meeting you! We understand that you must be feeling a million different things right now, and we are here to listen or offer emotional support if you need us.

Our Lives
We are Travis, an entertainment attorney, and Ellen, an advertising Creative Director, and we’ve been married for four years; together almost eight. We bonded over our love of music after meeting through friends at a summer festival. We fell in love with one other’s honesty, sense of humor and open-mindedness, and married on a Florida beach (one of our favorite places) in 2012. Early in our relationship, Ellen was diagnosed with cancer; but Travis’ response through this adversity hooked her for life. He said, “I’m not going anywhere” – and he never has.

The experience taught us the true meaning of partnership and unconditional love. It also assured Ellen that Travis would be a committed father and husband. Above all, we learned how much we want to be parents. (And we’re happy to say that Ellen has been cancer-free since 2009!)

Two years ago, we moved to a beautiful suburb west of Chicago (close to other friends with young children). We love our cozy home with a big backyard, and live in a walkable city with a strong sense of community; top schools; playgrounds two blocks away; a bike path; art and music festivals; kids’ museums and the cutest downtown. Our town is so much fun that it even has a pet parade, and we have joked about entering our adorable guinea pig, Cheeto (though she’d probably freak out!).

About Travis
I’m from a small town in Iowa where people are kind and everybody knows everybody. My parents have been together for over 50 years and take care of just about everyone! Family is the centerpiece of my life. Growing up, I was surrounded by lots of love with my large extended family, including six uncles and seven aunts nearby, numerous cousins, and lots of friends who dropped by for dinner—or longer. With more than 10 acres of land, my parents have plenty of room for friends and family—and lots of space for a little one to run and play!

My younger brother, Brett, and I are only 18 months apart; so we fought as kids, but are now best friends. I’m a pretty even split of “outgoing” and “listener,” which led me to try improv growing up (I even won a few competitions!). I studied theater in college; but found my true passion as an entertainment attorney.

I’m actually a fifth-generation lawyer. My parents run a law firm, too: Dad does the legal work, but Mom is definitely the boss! We see them often, and they are constantly spoiling us with thoughtful gifts and making sure we have the necessities. My parents are warm and supportive, and eager to be first-time grandparents. They gave me every opportunity to pursue my interests growing up, including baseball, basketball and football, and doing tricks on my BMX bike! I still love sports and outdoor activities, and both Ellen and I are looking forward to sharing our active life with a little one.

About Ellen
I have nannied and babysat since I was nine, and and am excited to share my love and lessons learned with your child. I received my Master’s in Advertising and have a background full of creativity (I love writing, painting, playing guitar and singing—I’ve even sung the blues at Buddy Guy’s). Travis says I have “moves like Jagger” because I will, without warning, break into a spontaneous dance party! I’ve recently taken a job that will allow me to work from home two days a week once the baby is born.

I come from a close-knit, outgoing family outside of New York City. Whenever we’re together, there’s lots of food and music, and it feels like a party! My mother is retired and looking forward to being a first-time, full-time grandmother. Before retirement, she taught English as a second language to students from many different cultures–and even taught the local NHL players’ kids! My father is a brave man who has maintained his dignity in the face of a rare disease. I help him manage his affairs.

My sister Beth is three years younger and lives in North Carolina, where she works with autistic children and is pursuing her second Master’s. Also in North Carolina are my uncle, aunt and three first cousins—one of whom was adopted as a newborn. Her name is Sarah, and she hopes to share her experiences with your child as he or she grows. We are thrilled to have so many incredible role models in one family!

I loved going to Broadway shows and playing softball when I was little, and can’t wait to share these experiences with your child. I speak French, am picking up Spanish and have traveled throughout Europe. Travis and I both enjoy traveling, and are eager to show our child the beauty and fun of our favorite beaches and State/National Parks.

We Promise
For us, being a family means being a part of something very wonderful. It means loving and being loved for the rest of your life. That’s the best life we can imagine, and your child would be a big part of that–in fact, the biggest part of all. He or she will grow up proud of themselves, of their background and of your sacrifice. They will always know and hear from us that you made a courageous, selfless decision, and that you did it out of love for them.

We have a wonderful marriage, terrific life, devoted friends and family, and we can’t wait to share it all with a child.

Please email us directly at [email protected]. You may also reach us through our adoption counselor, Maggie Benz, at 800-869-1005, 847-366-6343 (text), or email [email protected].

We would love to hear from you!
Ellen and Travis