David and Marci
profile1Thank you for considering us as the adoptive family for your baby. We know you are making this important decision out of a deep, unselfish love for your child. We wish you peace and comfort. We are a fun-loving, happy family, excited to welcome a new baby into our lives. We love being parents and will raise our children to be kind, honest and respectful of others and the world we live in. We have a passion for learning, value our friends and family, and love the outdoors.
[email protected]

A Little About Us
Our names are Marci and David and we have been married for 8 wonderful years. Our first dates were casual, but we quickly discovered that we had a lot in common. Early in our relationship we talked about the importance of family and about one day adopting a child, not knowing it would be our only way to have a family.
Simon is our sweet & adorable 3 year old who joined our family through adoption. We love being parents – seeing Simon grow and change has been rewarding, fascinating, and wonderful. We are truly grateful to Simon’s birth family for choosing us.
Before Simon, we enjoyed going to the theater and concerts, trying new restaurants with friends, even kayaking on the Chicago River. We still do things like that on ‘date-nights’, but now we also have fun together as a family. We enjoy nature, taking walks in the forest preserve, botanic gardens and the beach.
We love to travel, exploring new places and experiencing other cultures. No matter where we are, we always find something interesting and exciting. We’ve been thrilled by ziplines in Costa Rica, ancient ruins in Mexico, and fantastic architecture in Spain. Simon is a great traveler, too; he has already been on several road trips and visited 7 different states.
I grew up in a Chicago suburb. The neighborhood was small and friendly, with tons of kids. I have great memories of the road trips my family took every summer, and can’t wait to continue the tradition.

David talks about Marci
Marci is warm and caring and my best friend. When we first started dating, I was touched by the way Marci kept toys and games around the house for kids who visited. She is a terrific mother to Simon and I love watching them together.
Marci gave up a well-paying corporate job for a career in public health where she could make a difference in the lives of others. I am honored to be married to such a wonderful person.
I grew up in a loving family in the house my parents still live in. I had great times there with my two younger brothers, and love seeing Simon and our nieces running around that house now.
After college, my work took me all over the country. I enjoyed the experience, but when I had an opportunity to return home, I jumped on it. I have warm memories of Boy Scouts and family camping trips.
I’m a property manager for an office building in downtown Chicago, where I make sure people have a safe and comfortable place to work. In my free time, I like golfing, biking, and entertaining and I love cooking great meals for everyone to enjoy.

A little from Marci on David
I fell in love with David for many reasons. He has a great sense of humor and a sincere laugh that makes everyone feel comfortable. He is kind and generous, very responsible, and able to handle the “bumps in the road”. And he is really great with Simon, taking him swimming every Saturday and thinking up fun adventures to have with him. David is an active partner and a terrific father!
Simon is the light of our life, always cheerful and playful. He tells us that he is ‘strong’, and that he likes ‘jumping’ and ‘songing’. He’s a bit of a daredevil, going high on the swings and down the biggest
slides at the park. We are very glad that he also likes to snuggle and give big hugs. He enjoys trains and trucks, books, puzzles, and building with Legos.
We have a good relationship with Simon’s amazing birth-family. We meet for lunch every few months, and trade texts and pictures in between. When we’re together it is clear how much they love Simon, and we’re so glad to have this connection. If you would like to stay connected with us, we’re happy to have an ongoing relationship with you, too. We would respect your wishes with regard to openness, so that you can decide what feels comfortable to you. We would not pressure you in any way.
Simon loves playing with his cousins, and we know he will be a terrific big brother. He is good at sharing his toys (most of the time.)
Our Lifestyle and Traditions
profile6We live in a comfortable, family-friendly suburb of Chicago. Almost everything is within walking distance of our home, including a grade school, parks and the library. Simon loves to play in our backyard and see the plants blooming.
Our neighborhood is extremely kid-oriented, offering lots of activities in dance, art, gymnastics, swimming and sports. As a family, we enjoy visiting museums, zoos and the aquarium.

We have lots of family and friends nearby, making it easy to arrange get-togethers. Simon spends a lot of time with all four grandparents, who live within minutes of our house, and his aunts, uncles and cousins that live in Chicago and Milwaukee.
Our extended families get along great, and for holidays it is typical for both sides to celebrate together. We value holiday traditions like singing songs and eating special (and tasty) foods. We can’t wait to teach our children about our families’ traditions and start some new ones of our own.
Thank you for reading our letter!
We believe that finding the perfect home for your baby first means finding people you feel comfortable with. If you’d like to know more, please email us at [email protected]. We are easy to get to know, and would never judge or pressure you. You can also call our adoption counselor, Tobi at (800)869-1005 or text her at (847)366-6351.
Wishing you all the best,
Marci, David & Simon