Brandon and Corey
Dear Expectant Mother,
We are Brandon (36) & Corey (34), and we are so grateful that you have taken the time to review our profile. As we begin the journey to expand our family, we can’t imagine the array of emotions you must be feeling. We do know that the choice to consider adoption takes a strong, loving, and selfless person.
We have had many adventures in our lives, and we are ready for the most exciting adventure there is: becoming parents. As you will see in this letter, we have a passion for education, travel, and family. We feel that the only thing missing from our lives is a child. If you feel comfortable enough to place your child with us, please know that this child will be loved, safe, and cherished by not only us and you, but also by our family and friends. Your child will always know what love is.

Our Life Together:
When we started our relationship, we dated long distance for just over a year. A job opened up near Brandon’s work, and we made the leap. Corey and his small dog, Cooper, moved in with Brandon and his cat, Albert. Brandon and Corey got along great, but Cooper and Albert took a little more time to adjust.
As time went on, life just started to fall into place. In 2014 we purchased our first home together and got married in front of family and friends. Between making our signature cupcakes, going to St. Louis Cardinals baseball games, and traveling around the world we noticed something was missing. Our family was not yet complete.
In early 2016 we decided that it was the right time to start looking into the adoption process. We knew from an early stage that we wanted to adopt and grow our family, but we were just waiting for the right time. Our hearts are open, our minds are free, and we couldn’t be more excited for what the future brings.
About Brandon (by Corey)
Brandon is incredibly smart. Other than his beautiful eyes, his intelligence was what first drew me to him. Brandon has a thirst for knowledge that is unquenchable. He loves reading, teaching, and learning about everything. When Brandon starts a hobby (hiking, baking, baseball, traveling, etc.) he dives into it learning as much as he can. When our nephew comes to visit Brandon takes the time to teach him about anything that interests the 8 year old. He turns learning into a game, and our nephew gets so excited to come back and learn more. I cannot wait to see Brandon pass on the same love and support to our child.

About Corey (by Brandon)
Corey and I are best friends, and we complement each other in ways that make our lives and our relationship truly great. I rely on Corey for his love and support. He’s the more artistic and creative one, and always the life of the party. People want to be around Corey, and his positive influence is felt in so many ways.
Most striking to me are two things: his solid relationship with his long-time friends and his mentoring of his students, even long after they’ve graduated into adulthood. Corey is a great friend, and not because he works at it, but because it comes so naturally to him. I also see in Corey the amazing father-to-be. The children in our lives truly love Corey and gravitate to him
Our Careers, and Hobbies:
Brandon is an attorney, specializing in education law, and Corey is an administrator in higher education. We are comfortable financially, and both have amazing careers. We are huge baseball fans. Our team is the St. Louis Cardinals, and we try to go to as many games as we can. We also love to bake, and travel the world. We feel the best way to learn is to experience life. Brandon enjoys hiking in the national parks, and our favorite place to visit is Italy.

Our Extended Families:
Brandon’s family is originally from southern Illinois. His parents and sister’s family currently live in Florida, and are so excited to take their new grandchild/niece or nephew to the beach for the first time. Brandon’s family is extremely close, and they talk nearly every day. Brandon’s parents are excellent grandparents and they can’t wait for more grandkids to love and spoil! They are very supportive of our plans to expand our family, and our child will be so blessed by their love and their influence.
Our Home:
We live in a beautiful 5 bedroom home in central Illinois. Because we live near a university, our community is extremely diverse and exciting. We have many community activities, and amazing support from our friends and neighbors. We also have a great backyard ready to be played in.

Our Promises To You:
If you choose us to parent your child, we will make the following promises to you…
Your child will always know how much you love him or her.
Your child will be safe and well taken care of.
Your child will be challenged and supported in all the right ways
Your child will be educated and given every opportunity in life.
Your child will be a part of a loving and supportive community.
We will be silly, fun, and make sure our child laughs every day.
We will be serious, structured, and make sure our child respects others.
We will love our son or daughter forever.
We would love to learn more about you, and hope you will want to know more about us too. If you reach out to us, we’re sure you’ll find us to be easy to talk with. You may email us directly at [email protected], or call our adoption counselor, Tobi Ehrenpreis. Tobi is available by text 874-366-6351, phone 800-869-1005, or email [email protected].
With Respect and Admiration,
Brandon & Corey