20th Anniversary Party can benefit the ACFB Emergency Fund for Women. If you order anything from, please consider making your purchases through ACFB is one of the already listed charities on Amazon, and a donation will be made for each item purchased this way. Use your regular Amazon account login and password, and everything else is the same except that you go to to make your purchases. Thank you for considering this request. Your donation will go into the ACFB Emergency Fund for Women and Children.
A Special Thank you to the ACFB Board of Directors and All Our Other Supporters who donated to the ACFB “Emergency Fund for Women and Children”. Also, many thanks to all who donated Raffle Prizes including: Maggie and Gary Benz, Cathy Nachman, Ugo’s Kitchen and Bar, Nusheen Skin Care, and Nancy and Alex Jarett, and Toula Lechman.